Monday, January 25, 2010

Always Sanitary Napkins When Will I Know To Put On A Sanitary Napkin?

When will I know to put on a sanitary napkin? - always sanitary napkins

I prepare for my first period. I want to know when to put on a pillow? (What's really the name? Pad?) I've heard that you always your panties wet. It is placed in a notebook. Is that true? Can someone explain to me clearly?


Steph said...

Until you have had your cycle (which is a nice way to say) in recent years is very little to up when he begins his run. When I see you I would be a plastic bag in a backpack (or bag), which had to keep an extra pair of underwear and a pad. If you see blood or feel as if we even get wet, forgive yourself and the bathroom. A-Pad is not in wet underwear, so you need to change the spare pair and put the bag of something in between. After a few cycles you will know what is the best choice for you. You can guarantee your dirty clothes in a plastic bag at home.

Make sure you want to change, or to your portfolio every 2-3 hours to wash and check the bloody clothes, trying to wash in cold water as quickly as possible, and if it fails, the peroxide will help a little.

Down to one last breath said...

No, do not wet your underwear. Wait until your period, then set only in a laptop () call what most of us, as instructed. So they put in place and fold the wings under her underwear. I suggest you always use ultra-thin with wings, which are better IMO. Ask your mother or a wife who is a little help, if you do not really know what to do. Be sure to check from time to time, and I do not know how hard it will be.

Dreaming... said...

If you just stick your.underwear in the position where every fall, usually in the middle of what you do, the more .. IVE I never get wet. and if your notes of the call:)

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